Apr 23Liked by Michael Clarage

Reading via a dark orange screen (its bedtime here), the first thought is neurosurgeon Jack Kruse, who found the pineal gland needed appropriate morning, day and evening light, eg. staring at a monitors blue light at midnight tells the brain it's midday so dumps certain hormones making ready the body to chase rabbits for lunch. Conversely, wearing sunglasses (any sunglasses) during the day tells the eye/pineal it's overcast or dusk, fires should be lit, time to slow down, no apt hormones with them either. After a while this wreaks havoc hormonally. What doesn't these days, take a number I guess.

Anyway, even through this (f.lux) monitor I can discern blue sky and white petals through the orange, and its doubly deep orange twin. Almost like static firelight.

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Thanks. Since I listen to at least 50% of stuff I ingest, I figure I owe it to others to extend the same.

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Nice to hear your writing Michael

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