The ruthless people in power are too busy defending and expanding their power to be bothered examining evidence falsifying their burped up theories. The rest of us aren't ruthless enough to force them to get real or vacate... That's why they're in power and we aren't. So what happens, i think, is that people like you, Gareth Samuel, T-Bolters, Ben Davidson, Rupert Sheldrake, et al, anyone articulating actual thoughts and observations, wind up singing to the tiny choir of folk who prefer evidence to belief. If it's any consolation, we sure appreciate y'all. Please, please continue. It must be hell to have what is so obvious to you muddled and riduculed by fear and ignorance, especially since we so desperately need to move on and find real answers

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Clarage

Thanks for this.

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.” – Daniel Boorstin, historian

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Michael Clarage

Wonderful said mr Clarage! I'm still trying to understand the aura of santity that surround Feynman. Not only the horror of normalization but I remember he caused of the catastrophic failure of Papp engine demonstration, that killed not only a poor man but the potential for a breakthrough in energy production (and obviously a new path for nature comprehension).

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Love this, keep humility ahead of hubris, keep questions ahead of answers, and keep curiosity ahead of certainty.

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I totally agree Michael. WE vibrate on the same wave length. RR

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Jun 13Liked by Michael Clarage

This is simply magnificent! Share it widely. Thank you Dr. Clarage!

Tad Coffin

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Jun 13Liked by Michael Clarage

I wish this article could be read by most of humanity, to catalyze a wave of new understanding.

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Very well said, I couldn't agree more!

"These people should be forced to spend a couple of years farming, fixing engines, and working with toddlers"

I'm currently learning all I can about horticulture for exactly the reason you describe!

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