Feb 26Liked by Michael Clarage

First of all, 3hrs, lol, and ironically my comment is longer than your post.

What can you do.

The EU paradigm goes further in explaining what Nils Bohr, Fritjof Capra and Werner Heisenberg knew; the ancient metaphysic eastern doctrines quite literally described what they were talking about in their physics - which of course was poo-poo'd by the church who controls such things. The timing wasn't right.

The Christians and the Jews are integral to the current state of the world's current confusion, one can say they are doing 'God's work' and be within a deft stones throw of accuracy.

Clarage, I liked your EU stuff because you've hinted at the connection between the silence and meditative power in the universe and our minds. Nothing can be understood using the paradigm that has served the building of the globe for the last c.800 years without understanding who and what rules the world, and the gods (planets) they worship, ie., our personal solar system planets. These are warring planets of expansion, illusion, wealth creation, cruelty and discipline.

"Christ" and his return is Uranus; Ouranos, the Son of "Heaven" in Greek.

The second coming could almost be referred to as mitochondria reacting to electrodynamic forces, a literal 'enlightening'.

The myth of Ouranos (Heaven) and Gaia has never been more relevant. You know that scale is everything which is why the EU works, from the length of a developing zygote to the distance from Uranus and the Earth, and from our minds to God the electrical connection is the same, only the scale is different.

The development of 'Christ consciousness' happens electrically. It begins in the base of the spine, the sacred sacrum where the Lyden gland sits, aka the eastern Kundalini. The pineal and pituitary glands release electromagnetic fluids which combine to create the 'Cave of Brahma' when the electrical power is raised up (in meditation and crosses in the medulla oblongata to increase the current), this forms the Crystal Palace or what we call Christ consciousness.

All the religions say the same thing. In our western version, the pineal and pituitary stand for Joseph (masculine, positive), Mary (feminine, negative) and the sacred child they produce (Jesus, Christ'ed). The bible is esoteric. It's the only way it was ever supposed to be understood. The western intellect is confused alright, trying to force the kingdom of heaven with egoic intellectually-driven brains.

'Take no thought' was what JC said. ie. Meditate.

Release the intellect to balance the hemispheres.

The church can only stand until the 'return of Christ', and Christ is a symbol manufactured by Benedictine (well spoken) monks; the Bible is a book of consciousness, physiology and astrology. Only the priest class used to know of the the physiology of man, stars and planets. Our gods.

Uranus is at perigee from 2029-2033. The confusion is because the faithful have faith in mysticism, but the reality is, the EU explains the science of how this all works. It cracked the whole thing wide open to my mind.

The church permits EU work to be drip-fed. Too much light at once blinds people. https://ariaveritas.substack.com/p/tldr-medicine-priest-class-and-deep

The power of Uranus and his whacky energy on our bodies and minds forces us to think differently. It 'brings light' the same way Prometheus brought light to Man.


The jews are there to present themselves as the saviours to mankind, but they are also there to bring about Revelation. They are masters at turning things upside down. Esoterically they represent the highest nature of man. The 'synagogue of Satan' are those "who call themselves jews but are not," as JC so clearly said in the Bible. Confusion is part of the system of awakening (if I must use that hackneyed term).

The churches/synagogues have their reasons for being and doing what they do, which can't really be grasped unless one goes in to at least two of the many esoteric doctrines available to us, of which Christianity is one version, and the Jewish cabala another. But the entire thing starts to make sense when the most ancient we know of, ie. the Vedanta comes in to play. Sanskrit can't be corrupted or misinterpreted. It's likely we wrote it at the end of the Bronze age (the start of the iron, or the Kali Yuga) because the confusion was known to go off the rails at this (end) time.

The truth is inside, hence 'the Kingdom of God is within you' line. Christ said meditation is King but that was reinterpreted to mean, 'Come to public church and we'll save you for a fee.' (Personally I can't stand Christianity. It's so corrupted and weaponised now.)

Desires must be purified because the soul, if not properly prepared, will literally freak out in the process, and destroy the sanity of those not prepared.

JC also said, 'Anyone can do what I can do.' And that is very true as well. But he meant to meditate silently inside ones own mind and purify desires of the heart. Not seek answers outside of it from fellow men. I hope this rings true for anyone reading - we can only sort our own selves out, silently in our own minds and hearts.

I wrote about part of it here shortly after the death of Wal Thornhill. It was my first post on Sub.


I'm trying to get together a video to describe the connections because nobody seems to understand the written version of what I'm trying to say and I'm starting to bore myself.

Second of all, the guy has a can of drink with the eye very carefully facing the audience. Symbology is everything. It's the language worth knowing beyond all others. The eye is the pineal gland, the all-seeing eye, the seat of universal consciousness.

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