Sep 8Liked by Michael Clarage

Being snooty isn't just for people. My cat often turns up his nose at the food I offer him, followed by a dirty look as he turns and walks away.

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While everyone is allowed to have their beliefs as beliefs are, for all intents and purposes meaningless things when compared to one's actions. For it is one's actions that defines who you are. So if Michael wants to believe in empirically unprovable beliefs such as the multiverse or a creator god that is his right. But that is all they are: beliefs and a belief is not a fact, at best it could be a hypothesis. Personally, I do not believe in these beliefs of his because they are in my opinion, illogical, if not irrational. Is the multiverse possible? Sure, but is it probable? Not likely. Especially if our universe is infinite and therefore without boundaries. For there to be a multiverse, then our umiverse would have to be finite and have boundaries.

Now, I do not know why Michael, whom I respect, believes in a creator god. I suspect it is more of a feeling of connectivity perhaps. I have even more problems if it is a creator god of old timey religions. Why? Because they claim to know that(an infinite god) which is unknowable by finite creatures such as we humans. And if it is this sense if connwctivity that leads Michael to believe in a creator god, then I can offer an explanation for it that is far more logically sound.

Only life begets life. This we have observed throughout the entite history of humanity. Therefore, to answer the question why is there life on earth, its because earth is alive. Why is there life in the universe? Because the universe us alive. Alfred North Whitehead referred to the universe as the 'ultimate organism' and the 'unknowable god'. This is not a god to be worshipped but just an organism athe greatest of magnitudes. Life is also fractal and life is also a continuum.

Now this is where I get into trouble because this ultimate organism may exist in another plane of existence therefore could be suggestive of the multiverse. But then again it may not.

For me to believe something, it has to in some way be testable or at least have some logic.

Life begetting life is a simple statement based on empirical observations. But on the face of it the multiverse does not. There is nothing empirically that supports this belief.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Michael Clarage

"When the Creator created the Universe, all possibilities were created. Where are all these possibilities? I do not know. How is it that only one path is actualized? I do not know."

In Guénon's 'Multiple States of the Being' (which was the first book I read of his (NOT recommended as the first book of his to read... by anyone EVER)), he wrote specifically about possibilities and potentialities in the first few chapters.

The way one realises their possibilities depends on many things, and 'multiple possible states' must be realised in physical and non-physical form (this means dream-states are another way to realise possibilities). In fact physical form is the only way to realise possibilities, which is arguably why we're born. It's a heavy but fascinating read.

As for snooty scientists, I learned from a mathematician/physicist a few years back, who was convinced some physicists of the 5mil+ youtube variety were right and the electric universe was some sort of scam. The inanity of this position was compounded by his being a self-described metaphysician; the whole point of the EU is that it uses plasma physics to describe metaphysics.

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I totally feel that some of my dreams are a living out of possibilities. (The others are just bits of undigested beef)

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Sep 9Liked by Michael Clarage

From pondering observations throughout this existence I have intuitively arrived to the notion that the infinite probabilities can be visualized as an infinite set of superposed waves of different wavelenghts. At some points these wavelenghts synchronize forming nodes in which multiple realities coalesce and these are events that many people can “see” when expressing foreknowledge. Those are events of higher probability.

Notorious cartoonist Scott Adams once wrote a short book called “God’s Debris” that was his particular view of the issue of probabilities, I found it interesting and somewhat in agreement with my own intuition about the multiple possibilities expressed as one reality. Adams also recognizes the importance, and critical role may I add, of conciousness. He is a long time practicioner of what some call “affirmations” as a way to coalesce probabilities.

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There WAS once the potential existence of 90 trillion Fausts, but in the end it collapsed into one story.

In an odd moment of synchronicity, when you mentioned Baltimore, I remembered a curious science-fiction book titled The 90 Trillion Fausts, written by a history and geography teacher from Baltimore.

After sustaining a grave injury during hurricane Isabel, all possible and potential futures he might have had collapsed, and the former history and geography teacher passed away in 2005.

He was a very prolific science fiction writer, and still has a large fan base today.

This put me in mind to ponder how, in our day, advancing science often requires of us to put our greatest efforts into identifying and removing the various types of gnosticisms.

And that brings me to conclude this note reply by thanking you for making this a better potential success. I really enjoyed your article!

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Sep 8Liked by Michael Clarage

Another gust of your wind Michael, and I find myself in a familiar place. I've spent much thought here pondering how to describe the notions that manifest. My take is, rather than the multiverse parallel description, that there exists, at a non-linear dimension, a vast soup of eternal infinite potential where possibilities become impregnated with intention; perhaps through the meeting of EU polarities i.e. a decision or choice on a spiritual consciousness plane becomes energised, which results in the simultaneous projection onto this linear 3D dimension. My clue to this notion is the uncanny intuitive feeling that I'm being guided by glimpsed memories from the future - a foot in two time-lines simultaneously on the odd occasion. It's encouraging to hear you describe something similar.

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"where possibilities become impregnated with intention" yes

"being guided by glimpsed memories from the future" yum yum

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