Hi Michael,

In your lecture at Bath you made mention of 'vast clouds of proteins' found via telescopy in deep space. My simple web-searches are unproductive on this topic. Can you please direct me to more information on this? Thanks a lot!

Tremendous fan of your work! maathazelgrove at gmail

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Thanks for the kind words.

I am thinking that the amino acid observations might have been communicated to me in person, at the 10-year anniversary of Herschel that took place in Madrid a few years ago. I am not finding published material - but it is not the sort of thing I would make up.

If I come across the papers I will try to remember to send them along to you.

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Thanks very much. I'd sincerely appreciate anything you can muster.

I just rewatched the talk. "Hydrocarbons, sugars, and amino acids." Very provocative; I love it.

The Gagler, et al. paper published on 3.1.22 reminded me of the import of your stated finds. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35217602/

It's too bad this will likely inspire more attention for the manufacture of artificial life for profit than it will humble us to acknowledging nature's profound consciousness beyond our grasp. I tell ya, the audacity of the LUCA tree trunk model & miracle of life ONLY ONCE concept is so much religious dogma that just needs to end.

Keep up the stellar work!

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