Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Michael Clarage

Hi Michael, since I, too, share the the Archangel's name (and often feel as if I must be an extraterrestrial entity only just visiting this peculiar plane[t] of experience), not to mention I've been known to dabble in paint (mostly oil, but I have experimented with egg tempera) I've taken it upon myself to try and adjust the photograph of your painting so we can see it a bit better. It can be downloaded from my public DropBox, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aivg3n1rkk6yfau/Michael-and-Plasma.jpg?dl=0 It may look a bit over saturated against the black background, but I tried my best to get the light more evenly distributed over the surface and eliminate the blue sky spilling over the top edge. I hope it is satisfactory!

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I showed the photo to an artist friend of mine who also immediately started adjusting the image.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Clarage

Michael, thank you for taking us on this journey. It makes sense that God created ADAM as all possible humans who will ever be born, and that we are all living out some of those infinite possibilities. And that Lucifer gave us polarity, or something to choose between in every moment. Always a pleasure to read your thoughts.

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Jun 27Liked by Michael Clarage

What you said about the painting spurred me to think all day about the ways the polarity of life is represented by the figures of Michael and Lucifer. Could Lucifer represent the repulsive force in nature while Michael is the attractive force? Where would these ideas have originated from?

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Jun 26Liked by Michael Clarage

Nicely woven mythologies . . into a glimpse of an electric universe. Perhaps ? Anyway, I like the way you got me to look at that possibility. As you say - it's a pretty big choice to recognise.

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