Feb 12Liked by Michael Clarage

I read another book by Jay Gould years ago, and it stopped my mind. It might have started me on the path to thinking apart from the indoctrination of school. I love your journey of saying the forbidden thing after that little voice said "stop talking." I usually obey the little voice and stop talking, but I want another way. Not to pick a fight or see the other as enemy, but to stand my ground and bring more truth. There is a way I need to process out my own shadows of fear to be able to do this cleanly, and reading your experience helps with that process. Thanks!

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Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive to madness.

We are informed, you and I by our shared faith that the gods of both the ancient world and of our day are in fact all demons.

The Ancient Greeks taught that to drift away from reality - the logos and mythos of our world - is to go insane and then die.

I have experienced similar conversations with peers, relatives, colleagues. I have avoided them as much as I could, especially with those that have displayed only a very feeble grasp on reality.

Chiefly it’s because the best way to help them is to avoid empowering them to drift away from reality any further — mental health first aid, to be precise.

Part of it is to protect my own heart.

Part of it - charity.

The “inner generosity” of which you wrote about in the previous letter - what little I have to give is limited by the ability of the recipient, the capability of their reception and the restrictions on effective application. (Matter, Form and Intention).

To bestow an “inner generosity” upon another, one must follow the rubrics taught by the Church. And those rubrics closely parallel the rubrics for bestowing blessings.

One cannot bless sin. Especially not unrepentant sin.

So for the morally and mentally unwell, the only thing that you can offer is a lifeline back to sanity and reality. Even then, you can only offer it when it is being asked for.

The ones who don’t give a damn about the Truth anymore and no longer pursue it are being left behind, and the rest of us have to keep going on without them.

Our mythos and logos, which Tolkien once described as the only one that was ever true — follows Truth, like a lodestone to a magnet, or a magnetic field to an electric current.

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May 2Liked by Michael Clarage

Very pleased to discover your wonderful blog today (result of reading your comment to Sasha Latypova earlier) and have previously enjoyed your Thunderbolts presentations. This is the third of three in a row that I've just now read that grabbed my attention just scanning the titles. Looking forward to reading the rest-- hopefully not all in one sitting, lol! Thanks for your writings.

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Could those abrupt changes be wholly or partially driven by changes in our relationship to our star? We know there are long cycles... 6,000 and 12,000 year cycles for example... There are indications that our year was once 360 days. Maybe we get closer to or farther away from the sun. What happens if it gets more or less current from the galactic circuit? Gravity appears constant within its domain of validity... but was it always thus? I rather doubt it. Everything in our experience changes. I'm only 86 but i live in a very, very different world then i did as a boy. For example, the sun was yellow. Now its white. Smooth evolution is a non starter.

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*My interlocutor threw up his hands, exclaimed I was a conspiracy theorist, and threatened to try and get me fired.*

Hahaha, that's when you're flying right over the target!

Next time try referring them to the book of Forbidden Archeology (by Michael A. Cremo & Richard L. Thompson - Bhakttvedanta Book Publishing, Inc) and it might actually make their head explode!

This excellent, huge book contains hundreds of examples of bones and tools and carved objects - the remains of (or made by) anatomically Modern Humans - all located at different sites around the world in rock strata that has independently been dated to the Pliocene and Miocene periods.

Personally I doubt the system used to date these Geologic Ages because they were arbitrarily chosen to accord with the Principle of Uniformity (and Darwinian Evolution), but even allowing a generous margin of error, these strata are between 5 MILLION and 25 MILLION years old.

These artifacts and remains still exist in museums and universities around the world, but Science chooses to ignore them because reasons. I'm guessing Modern Humans existing millions of years earlier than the hominids they are supposed to have evolved from is just too much paperwork.

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