I love the sound of a nice bouncy ball as it is nearing the end of its bouncing: that speed up to infinity as the individual bounces merge into a musical note of rising pitch, diminishing volume, and the whole thing races off past perception.
How many bounces before it stops?
Why does it seem to stop so soon? Should a really nice ball could just keep bouncing with ever decreasing height until a Boltzmann energy limit is reached where the bounce height gravity potential equals the ambient thermal energy?
Use a Microphone to record the bounces
Bounce the ball on the table, close to the microphone record with Audacity:
How to plot the data?
Try plotting (number of bounces) vs ( Time ). Manually locate the bounces and their times.
The gist of the plot in Figure 3 agrees with intuition - the number of bounces looks like some geometric increase. Jump over to www.desmos.com for a quick manual plot-fit. Use an exponential function, with a few adjustable parameters, Figure 4.
Answer to Question 1?
The curve fitting is good enough that, assuming any time range that I hear the bounces, I can say how many bounces. Looking at the sound file, it seems many fewer bounces than I would have guess just from the sound.
And there is the strange fact that the curve fit gives a time-scale-factor of unity - - the count increase is a simple exponential by time in seconds ~exp(time/1.0). Is that a universal property of counting, or just a coincidence for my ball? Both options seem unlikely.
What about Question 2 - when exactly does the bouncing stop, and why?
I think the stopping of bounce is directly related to how much the ball deforms on the bounce.
Maybe when the height of the bounce equals (R0-Rb) then there is no more bounce.
My ball bounces to ~0.85 of whatever height it is dropped from. I do not have any photographic equipment that can capture the deformation at bounce. Hence I will use my assumption, work the other way, using the time it takes to stop bouncing to estimate the amount of deformation.
Dropped from 20cm, I can see 35 bounces on the microphone-sound plot. The height after 35 bounces is 20cm * (0.85^35) = 0.06cm. NOPE. That does not make sense to me. The ball is not deforming by 0.6mm when it is in tiny-bouncing mode near the end.
Will continue thinking on the mechanism for the end of bouncing.